RideToEat.com News!

News about updates and format changes can be found on the Facebook page. But here are the big stories:

The 1K Project:

Whew! We’re done!

With the addition of Cherry Pocket Steak & Seafood in Lake Wales Florida, submitted by "Skyking96w" on Feb. 2, 2012, the last non-reviewed Ride To Eat destination was bumped off our database. We are now 100% rider reviewed.

So the 1K project is complete. Thanks!

It took considerably longer than I expected, but we got there. I have now lifted the 1000 destination limit and the number of good places to ride to eat on our list will start to grow.

The 1K project originally came about because I started the site by gathering restaurant data from several sources that I thought made sense. Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives, Feasting on Asphalt, and some others.

But once the site was underway new data comes only from riders like you.

When we hit 1000 entries I decided that was a good place to stop growing until I got rid of all the original sites… dropping one unreviewed site every time a rider added a new review.


The thermometer to the left took over 2 years to hit the top. We were at 24% when I started the project in January 2010. We hit 90% in early 2011 but took a whole additional year before finally crossing the finish line in February 2012.

Still lots of holes in the map though – DC is empty, only 1 entry from North Dakota, still 6 empty Canadian provinces (ok, maybe I can understand Nunavut), and for some reason I can’t find anyone to enter Zeitgeist in San Francisco.

So please keep adding great new places to ride to eat. Just click “Add New” up above here and it’s easy.

Ride To Eat on “The Pace” Podcast

"The Pace" podcast folks interviewed me about RideToEat.com recently. You can listen or download it from here: 


It starts at the 3 minute mark. This will satisfy all of your burning curiosity about RideToEat.com.

The Pace is a weekly podcast covering general interest motorcycling stuff.

©2009-2015 Steve Jones. All Rights Reserved.
The contents of RideToEat.com are provided free for the private, non-commercial use of anyone who would like them. While the data such as restaurant names and addresses is public information, all rights to original content from RideToEat.com (ratings, comments, files, artwork, webpages) are reserved and that content may not be published elsewhere without explicit written permission, except that businesses listed here are freely welcome to make reference to and/or provide links to their RideToEat.com listing and review.

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Other cool RTE sources:
Motorcycle Themed Cafes & Diners
Burritophile List: by state by rank (OK, it's not bike related, but the world needs this site)

"Roads exist for me . . . mainly to furnish reasonably direct connections between cafes and chili parlors, taco wagons and beaneries, eat shacks and confectioneries, burger joints and frozen-custard stands, barbecue sheds and fish camps. In other words, roads are there to tie one reason for living to another."
-- William Least Heat Moon   
Roads to Quoz   

"We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink..."
-- Epicurus  

"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating."
-- Luciano Pavarotti  
"Enjoy every sandwich"
-- Warren Zevon  

"You can find your way across this country using burger joints the way a navigator uses stars."
-- Charles Kuralt  

"A chef who thinks of calories is like a hooker who looks at her watch."
-- James Beard  

"I need a pig here."
-- The Red Queen  

One Response to “News”
  1. Dale Ty says:

    Steve Great site ! I’ll get a few more added this summer for east Ohio & west PA.

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